Turnaplast d.o.o. respects your privacy and undertakes to protect all personal information acquired through the Turnaplast d.o.o. Web Information System with due diligence and shall not transfer them to a third party without your consent or use them for any other purpose whatsoever. The Turnaplast d.o.o. Web Information System includes certain links to other external web sites, which are not directly connected to our company; therefore, we assume no responsibility for the protection of data included on those web pages.


Turnaplast d.o.o. undertakes to protect data and the privacy of the users visiting Turnaplast d.o.o. web pages to the best of its knowledge.

The company carries out applicable technical and organisational procedures to protect collected data in order to prevent access to unauthorised persons and their disclosure, to keep personal data accurate and to ensure their proper use. Turnaplast d.o.o. shall not exclude the possibility of data abuse, since the internet remains an unpredictable medium, despite all safety measures and safety communication protocols.

About cookies and their use on our website

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that saves website settings. Websites store cookies onto user devices that access the internet to identify individual devices and the settings that users have used at access.

Cookies allow websites to identify whether a user has already visited this website and, in advanced applications, the individual settings can be adjusted accordingly with their help. Their storage is under the full control of the browser used by the user – he can limit or disable the storage of cookies as he wishes..

Why are cookies necessary?

Cookies are fundamental to providing user-friendly online services; the most common features of e-commerce would not be possible without cookies. The interaction between the web user and the website is faster and easier with the use of cookies. They make the website remember the individual's preferences and experiences, thus making browsing the web more efficient and enjoyable.

There are several reasons for the use of cookies. They are used to store data about the status of an individual website (details about the customisation of a particular website), to assist in the conducting of online services (e.g. online shops), to assist in the collection of statistics about users, website visits, online user habits, etc. With the help of cookies, we can therefore assess the effectiveness of the design of our website.

Regarding the recommended and permitted use of cookies on websites, you can also read the guidelines of the Information Commissioner for the Use of Cookies, which can be found here. 

List of cookies on our website

Required cookies

Name of the cookie Duration Description
.ASPXANONYMOUS 3 months Functional cookie
EUCookie 1 year Cookie notice
EUCookieSettings 1 year Cookie settings
dnn_IsMobile Session duration Whether the user is on a mobile device
language 1 year Stores information about the user's language settings
.DOTNETNUKE Session duration Functional cookie
ARRAffinity Session duration Functional cookie
ARRAffinitySameSite Session duration Functional cookie
ASP.NET_SessionId Session duration Functional cookie
LastPageId Trajanje seje Functional cookie
__RequestVerificationToken Session duration Functional cookie
authentication Session duration Functional cookie

Cookies for Analytics

Ime piškotka  Trajanje  Opis
_ga 2 years Website viewing statistics
_gid 1 day Website viewing statistics
_gat_gtag_UA_221304212_1 1 minute Website viewing statistics

The cookies we use on our website do not collect your personal information with the use of which you could be personally identified, and cannot damage your computer, tablet or mobile phone. Cookies enable our website to work and help us understand which information is most useful to visitors.

You can edit your cookie settings


By using this website, you consent that to website setting cookies onto your computer or mobile device.

Manage and delete cookies

If you wish to change the way cookies are used in your browser, including blocking or deleting them, you can do this by changing your browser settings accordingly. To manage cookies, most browsers enable you to accept or reject all cookies, accept only a certain type of cookies, or warn you that the site wants to store a cookie. You can also easily delete cookies stored by your browser. If you change or delete the browser’s file with cookies, or change or upgrade your browser or device, you may have to disable cookies again. The process for managing and deleting cookies varies from browser to browser. If you need help with this, you can consult the Help section of the browser.

You can also disable Google Analytics’ tracking at the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

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